Dog getting groomed

The Importance Of Dog Grooming In Winter?

Everyone wants their dog to look their best. But some people make the mistake of thinking that grooming should be done more often in the summer than in winter. They may consider a longer coat as an extra layer to keep out the cold. However, understanding the importance of dog grooming in winter is an essential part of being a pet parent.

Grooming your dog in winter is just as important as keeping their coat healthy in summer. Their coat is actually a heat regulator, not just an extra layer.

Their fur works to keeps the heat away during summer and keeps it in during winter. But this only happens if the coat is healthy. If your dog’s fur is matted, greasy or dirty, this can affect its ability to keep in the heat, meaning you dog will be more prone to the cold weather.

In fact, keeping a shorter, healthier coat will keep your dog warmer than a long, shaggy and matted coat.

You should also consider that you’re more likely to get wet or muddy out on walks in the winter, meaning your dog will be more prone to items getting stuck in their fur or large knots which can make them feel uncomfortable.

What To Look Out For On Your Dog

In winter, it’s important to check your dog’s coat, feet and ears regularly to prevent health issues occurring later on. Look out for:

Dry Skin

Just like people, dog’s get dry skin in the winter due to the cold weather and it can sometimes become chapped and painful. This is also intensified by the artificial dry heat from our radiators.

Regular bathing with a moisturising dog shampoo will help keep away dry skin.

Toe Hair Trimming

The fur between the toes and pads on your dog’s feet can collect the salt or grit that’s used to remove the icy from pavements and roads. This can become irritating and may even cause an allergic reaction due to the chemicals on the salt. The best defence here is to keep them fur on their feet neat and tidy and give their paws a quick wipe after each walk.

You could even invest in some dog boots to put over their feet if they’ll let you.

Nail Cutting

Your dog’s nails typically wear themselves down if your dog walks on pavements often enough. However, during the winter, snow and ice can form a barrier between the pavement and their nails, which isn’t as rough. This means their nails won’t be worn down naturally as normal. Overgrown nails can become uncomfortable and even painful to walk on.

Dog Grooming With Hunter’s Lodge

Hunter’s Lodge is an amazing grooming centre in Northampton. They know all there is to know about your dog’s coat, foot and ear health and understand the importance of dog grooming. If your dog needs a trim to keep their coat healthy this winter, contact the dog lovers at Hunter’s Lodge.