Dog grooming

Dog Grooming: What to Expect On The Day

Bringing your dog to the groomer is an important part of keeping your pet happy and comfortable. However, you might be wondering what the dog grooming process involves –  especially if it’s your first time. But don’t worry, Hunters Lodge here to help! We’re going to walk you through what to expect when taking your pet to the groomer’s for a typical bathe and clip, from the initial consultation to the final bath and blow-dry. 

The Dog Grooming Consultation

When you first arrive at the groomer’s, you’ll have a consultation with the groomer. This is where you’ll discuss your dog’s coat type, grooming needs, and any preferences you have for their haircut. The groomer will also ask you about your dog’s temperament and any areas that they should be careful around.

The Bath

Once the consultation is over, your dog will be taken to the bathing area. The groomer will use a shampoo that is appropriate for your dog’s coat type and skin condition. They will also brush out any mats or tangles before washing.

Dog getting groomed.

The Dog Grooming

After the bath, the groomer will start grooming your dog. This may involve trimming their nails, cleaning their ears, and giving them a haircut. The specific grooming services that your dog will receive will depend on their breed, coat type, and your preferences.

The Blow-dry

Once the dog grooming is finished, your dog will be taken to the blow-drying area. The groomer will use a high-velocity dryer to dry your dog’s coat. This will help to remove any excess moisture and make your dog’s coat soft and fluffy.

The Final Touch-Ups

Once the blow-drying is finished, the groomer will give your dog a final touch-up. This may involve trimming any stray hairs or applying a finishing spray for example. It is here that the finishing details are carried out to make sure your pup looks 100%!

Bringing Your Dog Home

Once your dog is groomed, they will be ready to go home! Just be sure to give them a treat and lots of praise for being a good boy or girl.

Tips for Preparing Your Dog for the Groomer

Here are a few tips for preparing your dog for their first trip to the groomer:

  • Start by brushing your dog regularly at home. This will help to prevent mats and tangles, which can make grooming more difficult.
  • Get your dog used to being handled by strangers. This can be done by taking them to the park or pet store and having them interact with other people.
  • If your dog is nervous about going to the groomer, you can try taking them for a short visit before their appointment. This will help them to get used to the environment and the people.

Contact Hunters Lodge Today for Expert Dog Grooming

If you’re looking for a professional and affordable dog groomer in the Northamptonshire areas, why not try Hunters Lodge today! We offer a wide range of grooming services for dogs of all breeds and sizes. We also offer a free consultation so that we can get to know your dog and their individual needs.

To book an appointment, please contact Hunters Lodge today. We look forward to seeing you and your furry friend soon!